Is it a bull market now?

Don't doubt it, it is a bull market now

The market is not rising but falling, why is it falling so sharply?

Answer: Insufficient entry funds

To put it simply, I thought you could get 100 points in the exam, but when you got to the exam, you got less than 30 points, so naturally you turned from a fan to a hater, and sold, sold, sold. So, manage expectations well... Don't come up and brag about anything. You don't look down on a few times. If you don't get dozens of times, what am I doing in the currency circle? It's a joke.

Once the currency falls, countless people emerge, their little heads are running fast, thinking, is the bull market gone? That's it? What about the promised surge? Where did it go?

Calm down, the bull market is not over yet, it just stopped eating grass.

Hoarding coins, earning money from the cycle, what does it mean? It means that even in the rising cycle, there are rises and falls, which is also normal. Only rising without falling is sick.

What cow is gone, the cow ran away, the cow died, it's okay to fool freshly graduated college students, but for old-timers like us, I'm sorry, it doesn't work.

If it is now, there is no bull market. The exchange will not agree, the project party will not agree, the KOL will not agree, and the old leeks will not agree, so it is impossible. Objectively speaking, as a project party that has accumulated leeks for several years, it must pull the market to sell. When will it pull the market? In an absolute bull market, if you tell him that there is no bull market, even if he agrees, can his wife and children agree?