SEC Chairman Gensler hints at slowdown in S-1 approval for Ethereum ETF. Gensler stressed the need for careful review and extended timeline for S-1. Although Form 19b-4 has been approved, finalization of S-1 may take weeks or even months. Industry insiders expect that the first batch of Ethereum ETFs may attract $4 billion in investment, with strong market demand. Major financial institutions such as BlackRock have already prepared $10 million in initial assets for their ETFs.

Key Points

- The SEC's slow approval of Form S-1 may delay the trading debut of Ethereum ETFs.

- Ethereum ETFs are expected to attract $4 billion in inflows, showing strong market demand.

- BlackRock invested $10 million in the new Ethereum ETF before SEC approval.

- SEC Chairman Gary Gensler said in a CNBC interview that further approval steps for ETFs will take time.

- The launch of Ethereum ETFs may lead to new highs in ETH prices.

- The SEC's detailed review process shows a cautious regulatory attitude towards these financial instruments.

Many people have called for the removal of Gary Gensler as SEC Chairman. Here are the scenarios that could happen:

1. Impeachment (proposition, trial, and conviction) is required to remove Gensler as chairman

2. The President of the United States has the power to appoint another commissioner as chairman

3. If impeached, the SEC could still function normally with fewer than five commissioners

4. The impeached chair may no longer serve as a commissioner because they have been removed from office

#5月非农数据即将公布 #以太坊ETF审批预期