The market is approaching step by step. BTC failed to hit the 72,000 point line again yesterday. It did not break through and stabilize the 72,000 point line on the daily line. It began to step back on the support position in the early morning. The daily line has already had five consecutive positives. According to the trend of the daily level, if it does not break through and stabilize 72,000 points today, then a resistance callback position will be formed near 72,000 again. The market will briefly callback and accumulate strength to hit the 72,000 point line again. ETH made up for the rise in the early morning yesterday and directly stabilized at the 3,850 line on the four-hour level. The daily level has been moving slowly. The broken cross fork suddenly rose in the early morning and touched the 3900 point line. This growth of the two cakes in this round of accumulation is definitely not enough. Regardless of whether the big cake can stand firm at 72,000 points, the two cakes will hit the 4000-4100 range recently, or go directly to our focus of 4200-4500 range. June continues to be optimistic. The cottage is just the beginning, not an outbreak. BTC's callback at the four-hour level is a weak state. It failed to hit 72,000 yesterday. It will continue to hit 72,000 points today. Let's see whether it can stand firm at the four-hour level or At the daily level, it stands firmly at the node position of 72000, opens the space above and directly runs to the 76000-80000 range. At present, the support point of the intraday level can focus on the 70000-70600 range. The space above is around 72000 at the intraday four-hour level. If it breaks through and stands firm at the four-hour level, it can directly look at the previous high point of the short-term level of the 73600-74000 range.

ETH is currently standing firmly at the 3850 line at the four-hour level. It has been accumulating strength to oscillate and insert pins in the early stage. After digesting the previous big positive line, it has been consolidating. Accumulate strength, now break through 3850 and stand firm, the first step is to see the resistance position in the 3960-4000 range, the second step is to focus on the resistance position in the 4200-4500 range, and the support in the 3780-3820 range can be directly focused on in the four-hour intraday level. This support is effective at the intraday level, just pay attention to defense, and the four-hour intraday may strongly rush up to the 3960-4000 range

Bull market does not know what to do, click on my avatar, see Zhu Ye Jin Xuan,

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