Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum trends in the early morning:

Bread has been pulling back all day today. After stepping on the support level of 70465 at night, it began to rush to the first pressure level. Pay attention to the pressure level of 71500 in the early morning. If it stands firm, it will continue to rush to the two targets/pressure levels of 72140-72900. Pay attention to the support levels of 71050-70465-69755 below! #BTC走势分析 $BTC

Ether has been oscillating back and forth in the 4-hour sideways zone. After inserting the 4-hour support level at night, it began to rise. Pay attention to the two positions of 3826-3848 in the early morning. After standing on the daily sideways pressure level of 3848, it will continue to rise, otherwise the 4-hour level will continue to fluctuate sideways.

Pay attention to the position of 3808 in the early morning. If it does not fall below this position, the market will fluctuate upward to the upper target/pressure level of 3826-3848-3875. If it falls below 3808, then pay attention to the positions around 3791-3770-3745! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH