There is a saying in the bull market: "A thousand gold coins cannot buy a bull back", which means that every short-term decline in the bull market is a gift from the market.

However, this decline is often contrary to human nature, because when the market falls, people tend to panic, rush to escape, and even regard cutting meat as stop loss.

But there is an important strategy to remember: even if there is a sharp decline in the bull market, it is only a temporary adjustment, and the market will always rebound and hit a new high.

As for the current market situation, I think it is still in a volatile stage.

If you want to make the bull market stronger, appropriate volatility adjustments are necessary, because we all understand the principle of "how long the horizontal is, how high the vertical is".

Such volatility can not only accumulate more momentum for the market, but also provide investors with more opportunities to layout and adjust their positions.

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Therefore, in the bull market, facing the market fluctuations with a calm mind and the "lying flat" strategy of sitting back and enjoying the fruits of others' labor are wise choices for most investors. #bnb历史新高