There is a saying in the bull market that a thousand gold coins cannot buy a bull to turn back, that is, every decline in the bull market is giving away money. Of course, it is very anti-human, because when it falls, most people are in a hurry to get off the car, and cut their losses as a stop loss. Then there is a trick. No matter how bloody the decline in the bull market is, it is temporary and will come back. It will rise back the same way it fell, and then there will be several waves in the order of new highs, declines, sideways, rebounds, and new highs. Therefore, lying flat and riding a roller coaster in the bull market is a good thing for most friends.

I personally think that the current market is still volatile. If you want the bull market to be more violent, it is better to fluctuate for a while. After all, the longer the horizontal, the higher the vertical. Friends have heard this saying.