This round of bull market is still underestimated. The saying that 2025 may be the peak bull market in the cryptocurrency circle is not groundless. This coin will double in June!

On the eve of the key meeting of the Federal Reserve, BTC returned to 7w.

I thought that only ETH would rise in June, BTC faced certain selling pressure, and Mentougou was soft.

BTC returned to 7.1w and sentiment is still bullish. It is now generally expected that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates before early November because data shows that US inflation is slowing and the job market is weak. This situation has also led to a large amount of funds flowing into Bitcoin ETFs, especially spot ETFs. On June 4, Bitcoin spot ETFs had a net inflow of $887 million, setting a record for the second largest single-day net inflow in history.

Because data shows that US inflation is slowing and the job market is weakening. Some US Treasury yields experienced the largest two-day drop this year, easing financial conditions and potentially benefiting speculative assets such as cryptocurrencies.

I said that BTC spot ETFs are too important. This marks the official leap of blockchain from niche to mainstream.

The main reason for inflation in the United States is also analyzed. This reason is a social problem that the Americans have to solve, so this inflation will only ease slowly.

So every meeting can be a positive.

This time ETH is expected to break through 4200.

Some old public chain cottages that should not have moved also moved.

After the meme drove the mood, ETH took over the heat and the wind blew to the chain game.

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #链游 #BTC #ETH

Dao Ge is following a coin recently. It is collectively supported by multiple institutions, has a large number of users, and is focused on the market. It may fire the first shot of the cottage in June. All conditions meet the expectation of doubling.

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