The deep logic of why it is difficult to make money in the cryptocurrency circle

When we see that CZ has become the richest Chinese in four years, we cannot simply attribute it to personal wisdom.

It is more the result of the tide of the times, the choice of the industry and the complex mechanism behind it.

In this circle, the VC who invests must make a profit, the project party must realize profits through the project, the exchange must charge transaction fees, the big dealers must use market fluctuations to arbitrage, and even some lawless elements such as hackers try to profit from it.

Have you ever thought about where these profits come from?

The assets in the cryptocurrency circle are not like traditional crops, which can produce fruits through planting and nourishment by sunshine and rain.

The assets here do not generate substantial income themselves, and your profit is actually someone else's loss, and vice versa.

This means that the cryptocurrency circle is largely a game of wealth transfer, just like the stock market, although some companies can create real value.

So, when we enter this market as ordinary retail investors, the competitive environment we face is extremely severe.

The roles mentioned above all have their own advantages and resources, while we often only have insignificant funds and information.

In other words, they are all our potential opponents, and we are more like prey in their eyes.

I rarely hear stories about retail investors changing their fate in the cryptocurrency circle, but I do know that intermediaries such as exchanges have made a lot of money in this market.

This actually reveals a cruel fact: for ordinary retail investors, this is an extremely unfair game.

I have long been aware of this problem, so I chose a relatively stable investment strategy.

I mainly engage in coin hoarding and arbitrage operations, and also engage in speculative transactions when the time is right.

But I know that it is extremely unrealistic to find opportunities to get rich overnight in this market.

Real profits come from grasping trends and a deep understanding of the industry.

We need to wait patiently for opportunities brought by the general trend and the development of the industry itself.

Rather than relying on the techniques or strategies we have learned, because no matter how sophisticated the skills are, there is no guarantee of always winning in this market full of variables.

Finally, I want to say that there are indeed not many people who make money in the cryptocurrency circle, and those who can really get rich are even rarer.

Therefore, we need to keep a clear mind and a cautious attitude and move forward steadily in this market.

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