Linear Finance exploded! LINA token surged 39.23% in 24 hours

According to the latest news, Linear Finance token (LINA) rose to 39.23% in the past 24 hours and is now reported at $0.013. It's like a rocket taking off, right? It can't be stopped at all!

Why is it rising so sharply?

The recent surge in LINA is probably because more and more people have discovered its charm. It is like a Transformer in the financial world, which can transform at any time to adapt to different market needs. In addition, the recent market sentiment is high, and everyone is optimistic about this innovative asset protocol, so the price of LINA has naturally soared.

What's the point?

24-hour surge, cross-chain compatibility, market enthusiasm

To sum up, the LINA token has recently been like eating rocket fuel, soaring 39.23% in 24 hours, and the current price is $0.013. Linear Finance is a super versatile synthetic protocol. Recently, everyone has discovered its charm, so the price of LINA has been rising.

In one sentence: LINA is rising so fast, why not seize the opportunity to get on board? Come and feel this wave of Transformers in the financial world! #ATM #BURGER #FLOKIUSDT #LINA/USDT #CKBUSDT $ATM $BURGER $LINA