Bitcoin ecosystem explodes! Family members, get on board!

Recently, the Bitcoin ecosystem is like a charging warrior, suddenly bursting out! Starting from the Rune Dog two days ago, the entire ecosystem is recovering, just like the grass in spring, with many green leaves suddenly emerging. Runecoin has risen so much recently, but from the perspective of liquidity, everyone should still give priority to runes that have been listed on the Gate exchange, because the liquidity is leveraged and it is convenient to buy and sell. For example, Memerune, Runcoin, Lobo, etc., have performed first-class in the past few days.

In addition to Runecoin, there are some related ecological tokens that are also worthy of our attention. For example, tokens such as CKB and STX play an important role in the Bitcoin ecosystem. There are so many options that you can just pick one and buy it.

Recently, Starknet and Chakra announced a strategic partnership to build a Bitcoin settlement layer. Imagine that Ethereum’s L2 expansion plan is now also beginning to enter Bitcoin L2. This is simply two giants working together to do something, with unlimited potential in the future.

Bitcoin has also performed very well recently, rising gently all the way. I didn’t expect it to reach $70,000 so quickly, and it doesn’t seem to be stopping yet. It may continue to drive the entire ecosystem upward. Now everyone’s consensus is forming, and the Bitcoin ecosystem is really going to take off!

In addition, following Australia's launch of a spot Bitcoin ETF, Thailand also launched its own spot Bitcoin ETF. Various countries are beginning to pay attention to Bitcoin and may regard it as part of their strategic reserves. At least from the current trend, this is indeed the case.

in conclusion

  1. Runecoin is hot: Rune Dog takes the lead, and Runecoin has soared recently. With good liquidity, priority should be given to Runecoins that have been listed on the Gate, such as Memerune, Runcoin, and Lobo.

  2. Ecological tokens: Don’t just focus on Rune Coin. Ecological tokens such as CKB and STX are also very interesting, and there are so many options to choose from, just like a big sale in a supermarket.

  3. Strategic cooperation: Starknet and Chakra cooperate to build the Bitcoin settlement layer, and the Ethereum L2 expansion plan also enters the Bitcoin L2, with terrifying potential in the future.

  4. Bitcoin's rise: Bitcoin has hit $70,000 and may continue to rise in the future. The entire ecological consensus is being formed and is ready to take off.

  5. Global attention: Following Australia, Thailand also launched a spot Bitcoin ETF. The trend of countries beginning to use Bitcoin as a strategic reserve is taking shape.

Family members, now is a good time to get on board! Seize this wave of market, the opportunity for the Bitcoin ecosystem to explode should not be missed!