June 5, 2024 Grandpa checks in

BNB broke through 700 USD, setting a new record high, becoming the second coin with a large market value to break a new high after Bitcoin. You should know that for BNB, it is not just the price increase, but also the "interest" brought by holding rights such as Launchpad and Megadrop. The previous Launchpad income was as high as 1-2%. It is estimated how exaggerated this rate of return will be in the bull market. In addition, I previously judged the high point price of BNB in ​​the bull market to be 2,000 USD. At that time, the price of BNB was more than 200. Many people thought it was exaggerated. Now it is not a delusion to see a bull market again.

There is no need to introduce BNB too much. For the choice of interest-bearing assets, BNB is a very good target, because BN relies on the status of the largest exchange in the B circle to continuously empower BNB, and this sentence is still applicable now. I know that there are many loyal fans of BNB who have been holding BNB and not selling it. I have also been holding the BNB that I built a position of more than 200. I plan to keep this part as an interest-bearing asset. After all, I have basically recovered the principal from the new issuance income. Only when the bull market target price reaches 2,000 US dollars, I will consider selling it.

When playing in the B circle, you must not ignore the benefits brought by long-term growth. Even people like me who constantly use swings and options to make short-term and medium-term market trends will keep some long-term coins, and even when the bull market is quite crazy, they will not be completely empty. Why value coins must rise in the long run, or why Bitcoin will definitely continue to reach new highs, the core is because it is benchmarked to a certain extent against the inflation of the fiat currency world. I believe everyone has a deep understanding of how serious the specific inflation is. Looking back, the best operation was to configure BNB with more than 200, and the worst operation was not buying much Ethereum with 1,000.

As for the market, when BNB continues to reach ATH, we should be more confident about the future trend. However, from the bear market to now, the market funds will choose safe targets more often, which has also led to the relatively weak performance of mainstream coins. The periodic market will still be dominated by high-market-cap coins, which is why I only recommend ETH and a few strong coins recently. In addition, there are signs that Bitcoin has reached a new high again. The recent market can be regarded as a rotation of ETH-BTC-BNB, which is a positive signal for the market.

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