The market is warming up, and the sector rotation is about to start again. Seize the opportunity to get on board in the second half of the currency circle.

After the market experienced a continuous rise for half a year in the first half, the overall market in the first three months showed a lack of growth, and the range fluctuated sideways. The main reason was the lack of existing stock funds and the exit of early profiteers. It is a normal sideways adjustment.

As countries around the world began to vigorously embrace the passage of BTC ETF, it gave the entire currency circle a shot in the arm. A large amount of capital intervened and retail investors followed up. It is expected that the price of the pie will reach at least 150,000 US dollars in the second half.

The surge in NOT in the past two days fully verified that the liquidity of the currency circle and the vitality of investors are still enthusiastic. Including the old chain sector BNB, SOL, ETH, etc. All have good performance

In addition to the old narrative sector, the meme sector, RWA sector, etc. also have certain stories to tell in the next narrative, such as ONDO, PEPE, etc. There will definitely be opportunities in the second half of the market.

The surge in NOT also drove the popularity of the entire game ecosystem. The game sector is one of the few sectors that did not start strongly in this round of bull market. Compared with the last bull market, the game sector is really still at the bottom. In the last bull market, whether it was AXS, YGG, or Farmer World, Spaceship, etc., they all had a strong wealth-creating effect.

Because the launch of this round of market is mainly driven by US ETFs, large funds basically follow the big cake. After the good news in the first half of the market is exhausted, the game sector will be one of the keys to leading the market in the next market.

This round of market must be hot market innovation, such as AI+chain game narrative. In the field of WEB3, it will be super innovation and playability;

Representative projects can be referred to; Ultiverse

Ultiverse is an artificial intelligence-driven game production and publishing platform. It is committed to changing the game experience and enhancing value, building an ecosystem and providing tools that enhance creation, participation and technical integration between different blockchains.

English full name: Ultiverse

English abbreviation: ULTI

Total issuance: 10,000,000,000

Online circulation: 14%

Before the project went online, according to on-chain data, more than one million people in various regions around the world participated in his network interaction. Many of our partners have also participated in it, so the popularity is not a problem.

The project has a strong background (investor daddy)

Sequoia Capital, Sanjian Capital, OK, Binance Investment, it is comparable to a star lineup, any one of them is top-notch.

Why do I take this project as an example:

First, because this project will be launched at 6 pm tomorrow, second, the background of this project is strong, third, it has enough innovation, and fourth, compared with similar projects, the market value is extremely small and the space is huge. For example, compared with AXS, the online circulation volume is similar, which is currently the lowest point, but there is still about 100 times of space from the issue price. You can compare the specific data yourself.

Price prediction: Compare the circulation volume, market heat, investor background, and team lineup. At this stage, they are all relatively high-quality projects. I expect the online price should be around 0.1. If it is at this price. 30% up and down are opportunities to pick up money.

If you want to participate, it is recommended that you can quickly enter the market at around 0.08.

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