$ORDI This wave of show follows BTC's growth. Many people cut their losses in the low 30 to 40 range.

Then the dog dealer picked up a lot of cheap and bloody chips.

When ORDI fell, many people lost confidence in him. Some people said why didn't they say it when it fell? What did they say when it fell? If it keeps falling, don't make a layout. I don't know what I want to express!

Only by seizing the opportunity to make a layout before the rise, and eating meat is the right way. If you can't judge and still make a layout, you can only be trapped!

ORDI once again topped the list of gains, and the price reached more than 57u. It is still three points away from our goal. However, the current profit calculated from our cost price of 41 is more than 30%, and the highest increase is 40%, so those with heavy positions can stop profits in batches!

Click on the avatar to follow me, share the bull market strategy layout for free, and various contract spot point references. Be my fan, take you ashore, and you just lie down. #ORDI.智能策略库🏆🏆🏆