I chatted with a young man who sells cars in a 4S store. I asked him about his commission, which was a bit unexpected.

He currently sells cars in a certain Di 4S store, with a base salary of 2,500 yuan, and a commission of 150 to 300 yuan for each car sold. He sells an average of 15 to 20 cars a month, earning 7,000 to 8,000 yuan, and occasionally more than 10,000 yuan a month.

He used to sell Hondas, with a low commission of 100 yuan for a car and more than 300 yuan for a high one. The VW is about 200 yuan per car, and the lowest is Wuling, with a commission of 50 yuan for a van.

I asked him if the commission for luxury cars is high, and he said no, his friend works at BMW, and the commission is only about 300 to 500 yuan per car. The commission for selling super luxury cars may be thousands of yuan, but there is no volume, so it is only in the single digits a month, and the income is very unstable.

I asked him which one of the new energy vehicles currently has the highest commission?

He said that a friend of his is asking for a car and can get more than 1,000 yuan for a car. The income has exceeded 10,000 yuan in the past two months, and he wants to jump.

Is this true or false?

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