Currently, the price of FLOKI/USDT is 0.00032357 USDT, and the price has risen by 19.40% in the past 24 hours. From the 4-hour candlestick chart, we can see that FLOKI has shown a clear upward trend in the past few hours. The price once reached 0.00032479 USDT, the highest price in 24 hours. The trading volume also shows an upward trend, indicating that the market trading activity is relatively active.

From the technical indicators, both MA(7) and MA(25) show an upward trend, especially MA(25), which has a significant increase, indicating that the price has a strong upward momentum in the short term. MA(99) is also in an upward state, showing a bullish long-term trend. In addition, the sharp increase in trading volume also shows that the market is getting hotter.

Based on the current trend chart and technical indicator forecasts, the price of FLOKI is likely to continue to rise in the next 4 hours because the market's bullish sentiment is relatively strong. However, investors should operate with caution and pay attention to the real-time dynamics of the market and possible short-term adjustments. Please note that the market is highly volatile and investment should be cautious. $FLOKI #meme_coin $FLOKI