Morning of June 5:

Never put all your eggs in one basket, know how to diversify your investments and risks.

In the four-hour chart of the big cake, the price of the currency began to rapidly close after it penetrated the first trend line at the top, the lower track of the Bollinger band began to expand downward, the channel opened again, and the three lines of KDJ continued to spread upward, but Hangqing did not move upward. There was still a phenomenon of large volume above the 0 axis in MACD, and the distance between DIF and DEA continued to widen. It is still recommended to mainly buy low and buy high!

Operation suggestions:

Big cake: 70300-70500 more, target 72000-72500, defense 70000;

Second cake: 3770-3800 more, look at 3900-3950, defense 3750.

(Hangqing is changing rapidly, for reference only!)

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