Surprise! 6.5 Coin Circle Academician exclusively analyzes the latest Ethereum market, allowing you to see it at a glance

Ethereum did not give a current price order yesterday, because the box has shrunk, so I give everyone a box strategy. I believe most people have received my information. 3745 to 3755 long, 3820 to 3830 short, catch the free fall back and forth, and it is still the same. The box strategy is still effective. No matter how strictly abide by the rules of the trading system, do not open a position until the point, do not open a position without a breakthrough, do not open a position without a signal, do not open a position when it is not a key point, and at most short a position to wait for opportunities. After all, the fundamental reason for our trading is survival first, and then consider the benefits. , don't put the cart before the horse

As of 2:00 a.m. before the release, the current price of Ethereum is around 3820. We can see the current market trend. Bitcoin has reached 71,000. Ethereum is as stable as a rock. The EMA trend indicator stretches. The EMA15 fast line has reached the 3700 mark, indicating that the K-line will return to the support. The KDJ is blocked by the support near 3720 and begins to close. After the short order is opened, the long and short positions shrink. The K-line is sideways close to the middle track and pay attention to the 3635 middle track support. MACD shrinks and moves downward. DIF and DEA spread downward from high positions, indicating that the short position has not yet been completed. There is a lack of stamina, which leads to this wave of Bitcoin being the only one to stand out. ,

The four-hour K-line upward is blocked at the original exchange point of 3824, and begins to fall back to the EMA trend line. KDJ spreads upward, and the Bollinger Bands are still shrinking. The box is broken once and returns to the inside of the box, blocked at the pressure level of 3830. The lower rail support focuses on 3760. If the box is not broken, it is difficult to predict whether it will be long or short. MACD shrinks and starts to increase in volume, but the K-line diverges but does not go up. The golden cross trend of DIF and DEA is also formed. The overall trend does have insufficient kinetic energy. There is still a wave of short-term short-term trend, which can be paid attention to.

The box is not broken, and the short-term idea remains unchanged:

3820 to 2830 interval is short, and the current Target 3770 to 3750 interval to pocket, stop loss 30 points

3765 to 3745 interval to pocket, target 3810 to 3820 interval to pocket, stop loss 30 points

Focus on the layout of major trends:

Layout short at 3850 to 3900 above, defend 3950 to 3980 interval to cover short, stop loss 3110, first exit point reference near 3700, second exit point near 3650

Layout long at 3650 to 3700 below, defend 3600 to 3580 to cover long, stop loss 3550, exit point reference 3800 and 3900 intervals

The specific operation is based on the real-time data of the market. For more information, please contact the author. There is a delay in the release of the article. The suggestions are for reference only and the risks are borne by yourself.

As a senior person in the currency circle, I have been committed to providing useful suggestions for everyone. I hope that everyone will take fewer detours and make fewer wrong orders in this market. Although I am sincere, the road of investment still needs to be explored by yourself. Learning is endless, and the experience learned is the real wealth!

There is no need to over-display your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it by pulling it out for a walk.

I am an academician of the currency circle and a warrior who strives to protect leeks. I wish my fans to achieve financial freedom in 2024. Come on!

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