Why is everyone losing their minds over NOT coin? The love for #TON生态 is not a passing fad

NOT coin has been offering a lot of airdrops to followers and supporters around the world.

👀 But the big question is: is it worth the hype?

Recently, Not coin surged to $0.028, and it is expected that by the end of 2025, around a bullish rally, the price will reach the $0.1 mark!

Not coin is backed by the world’s most promising messaging app maker network Telegram, and its big brother is the $TON coin.

There are also more extensive predictions for the future, with some predicting that NO will reach $0.044 by the end of 2024, and others predicting a much higher value (up to $0.65) by 2030 [CoinDCX, Binance]. It is important to remember that these are just estimates, and the actual price may be higher or lower.

1. Positives: Integration with TON Ecosystem: If NotCoin integrates seamlessly with other TON-based applications, then NotCoin could potentially gain wider adoption among TON’s user base.

2. Community: A vibrant TON community could provide critical support for the development and growth of NotCoin users. Planned

3. Future Utility: Planned to launch as a tradable token on the TON blockchain, it will not offer real monetary value nor increase its utility beyond its current in-game functionality. Marketing Efforts: Strategic marketing initiatives could build brand awareness and attract new users.

🤔 Uncertainties:

Limited Current Utility: NO currently functions only as an in-game asset with no real-world value, and its future utility depends on the successful implementation of the planned token issuance.

Competition: NotCoin’s success depends on how it competes with in-game currencies and other cryptocurrencies.

Regulation: Regulatory changes in the cryptocurrency space could impact adoption and value.

😀 Overall:

While there are positive aspects to NotCoin’s development, its future value is highly dependent on the execution of its roadmap, particularly its successful launch as a tradable token with real-world utility. The size and participation of the TON community will also play an important role. $NOT #热门趋势 #NOT涨势分析