I don’t know if you have withdrawn the 0.0001 BTC pledged in the first #Megadrop $BB event. If there are still friends who haven’t withdrawn it, just follow the tutorial. If you can withdraw it, you can participate in the solv airdrop event.

The tutorial is as follows:

Find the #Megadrop entry. If you can't find it, go to "More" and then click on the $BB activity, then click on the completed task, then click on View Task

Then connect your Binance#web3钱包 Request a withdrawal first, click max (all), then click step 3 to request a withdrawal

As shown in the picture, you can claim, just click Claim. Then you can withdraw all the coins, then go to the wallet page to check, and then you can use these coins to participate in the Solv airdrop event. If you think it's okay, use your A9 hand to do a one-click triple combo.