There are geniuses in cryptocurrency trading!!!

I know one, a lady from a certain office.

The lady has a strange habit. She cannot bear to see a decline. She stamps her feet when it falls, stamps on the spot, keeps stamping, and cannot sleep when she goes home. She can’t sleep all night until she sells it. The rise does not affect her, and she can sleep. So there are no losing coins in the lady’s warehouse. She sells them all and always makes a profit.

As a result, the lady made money. She avoided the two crashes in the past few years.

The lady’s indicator is the most primitive and basic indicator. The logic is also clear and easy to understand. As long as the operation frequency is high enough, you can make money.

This is the basic principle of quantitative trading. After making money, you should immediately cash in when the price starts to fall. As long as the operation frequency is high enough to ensure that the speed of the decline does not break through the previous rise, you can make money.