Tuesday, June 4, Bitcoin evening thoughts and insights

Growth is to learn to reconcile with yourself, accept your imperfect self, and then move forward with love and hope. The intraday Bitcoin market has always been running at a slow oscillating rhythm, and the overall volatility is maintained within the 700-point range. There is not much continuation of the ups and downs. After a small retracement in the afternoon, the market successfully closed the 600-point space of the big cake. The overall trend in the short-term rhythm is still weak, and the market basically does not give too many rebound opportunities, so the operation is temporarily involved in the high-altitude thinking.

In the 4-hour trend, after yesterday's high of 70,300 area, it was under pressure and stepped back. After a round of bottoming out at 68,500, the market formed a shock repair method. In the short term, it continued to weaken, and the rebound performance of the market was also extremely slow. If it continues to fall, we will continue to pay attention to the strength of the market's decline. The range on the hourly line is also gradually shrinking, and breaking the range is just a matter of a moment. In the case of a weak trend in the short-term day, we still have to participate in short-term shorts around the intraday high of 69,200.

I personally recommend shorting Bitcoin at around 69200-69500 ​​in the evening, with the target of 68000-67000.

I personally recommend shorting Ethereum at around 3770-3780 in the evening, with the target of 3700-3650.

Whether you are a novice in the trading market or an experienced trader, you must always maintain your enthusiasm for learning and a humble attitude. Only by constantly improving your professional quality and enriching your trading experience can you be invincible in the fierce market competition. #ETH #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 $BTC $ETH $BNB