The Air Force King Liang Xi is now analyzing more and more deeply

Starting tomorrow this week, there will be needles every day. A friend in the member group just asked a good question, how is this needle predicted? In fact, it is not a prediction. Needles are all generated by information, generally due to US stock data and policy trends, and secondly, they are guided by off-market factors (epidemics, wars, etc.). These are the points of daily attention, just pay attention to them from time to time.

Putting aside the information, the daily ups and downs at the pure K-line level are very simple, all of which are small fluctuations from 1 hour to 15 minutes, which are relatively easy to capture. Because of the "needle", the fluctuation at the K-line level becomes complicated, and the fluctuation of a moment suddenly expands to the 4-hour to 1-day level. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to whether there is a possibility of needles every week. On the days when needles may be inserted, whether it is a big needle or a small needle depends on the importance of the information (the Federal Reserve's interest rate policy, regional wars, etc. are all important information), what range the big needle is inserted, and what position the small needle is inserted. This point range needs to be combined with the momentum indicators at all levels at the K-line level to think in reverse and capture.

Needle-piercing is never simply downward or upward, it depends on whether it is good news or bad news. But no matter it is bad news or good news, we can only prepare for one direction: buy on dips. Because we only prepare for the possibility of falling, we can always keep the initiative. Even if it is pulled up, we will at most miss the opportunity for a short time, and will not incur any losses. And you often prepare to welcome the rise and enter the market at the current price, then it is easy to be trapped. Many times, there will be sudden resistance and fall back during the pull-up process. And often ambush on the floor, eating once can offset countless small orders in daily life.

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