Although the DeFi application of Base chain is not very good, it is obvious that a large amount of funds have poured in.

Regarding Base chain, the public will have two impressions. One is that social applications are very strong, such as Farcaster,, etc. The second is that it is a paradise for MEME coins, second only to Solana.

For the Base chain team, MEME is also very important. Jesse Pollak, the head of the Base protocol, is the spiritual leader and leader of the Base chain MEME coin. He frequently retweets X tweets for the MEME coin project.

At the Memecoin hackathon in April, he had a wonderful discussion on MEME coin:

1. MEM has led thousands of people into the Base ecosystem;

2. The MEME community has created many incredible creative contents, including tweets, Meme content, NFT projects, artworks, and various activities.

In short, the MEME of Base chain is very lively.

On June 6th. Base chain has an online event for the Base meme summit. How should Base chain play MEME? Maybe there will be some answers.


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