Practical information sharing: When you see a project, should you rush in? How to rush in?

What is the correct posture? Calm down for 2 minutes and start with the following steps


Open the official website of Rootdata ( and check the project information, such as financing, investors, and team members.

Look at the team Look at the resumes of the core members of the team, which companies they have worked for, what achievements they have made, whether there are Chinese people, pay attention to the Twitter of team members and project Twitter, and browse recent tweets.

Look at the financing The amount of each round of financing, such as the seed round, is generally more than 5 million. After the A round of financing, it is close to the issuance of coins, and the B and C rounds should be paid special attention. Pay attention to the overlapping investments of several well-known investors, pay attention to the recent large-scale financing, and pay attention to the financing of resurrection.

For example, we got a good entry point through the financing of Wormhole/Niu Niu. Rich project parties will be more generous. How can poor project parties give you money when they can't support themselves? Some project parties' financing amounts are not received in one go, but this is of great reference significance, and the consensus of leeks is also a consensus.

See the investors

Are there any institutions you know? Don’t be superstitious about institutions, but you can’t ignore them. Some institutions focus on different tracks, but some investors have a high hit rate. Follow the investors to avoid taking detours and increase your confidence. For example, multi-coin,

You will find: This is web3? Now consider whether you want to rush? How much? How to rush?


Open the official website of defilama ( to see the TVL amount of the project party and the ranking of the ecosystem.

Then go to see the projects in the ecosystem that have not issued coins to get a general understanding.

Finally, click on the official website to see the composition of the project official website, what are the introductions, etc., a lot of key information is on the official website~


After completing the above two steps, you will basically have a general understanding of the project, but you may not understand the project because of the difficulty in understanding professional terms. At this time, search engines come into play.

First, find a professional information website, search for the project name, and look at project reports, project interviews, etc. You will find that you can understand it here, or even understand it a little bit. Searching 2-3 articles on 2-3 information websites is enough

At this time, you can enter the practical stage, but remember to use small amounts for the first time.


Use Google to search for the project name + tutorial (not recommended)


Use youtube to search for the project name + tutorial (recommended)


Use the official DC group, Mod top tutorial (recommended)


Watch unlocking


Go to to check the circulation and unlocking of tokens to avoid pitfalls before the massive unlocking.


After completing the above process, you will find: Is this web3? Now consider whether you want to rush? How much? How to rush?

Do you want to rush? Calculate the odds. At this time, you can refer to the calculation methods of some bloggers. You must compare prices. It is recommended that bloggers in paid groups calculate, such as Xiaoxin~ Different projects and tracks have different odds calculations. For example, you need to calculate FDV and circulating market value for spot trading, calculate the cost of the single number for airdrops, and calculate the participation amount and expected price for new listings. If you are sure you want to rush, go to the next step

How much? This depends on your own capital. You should decide your position. For low-risk arbitrage, you will definitely play out most of it. For high-risk, you should consider your tolerance. For example, if your capital is $10,000, don't go all in for airdrops. Investing $3,000 is enough. At this stage, you should prepare yourself mentally. What if you lose? How much loss can you accept?

How to charge? Charge by yourself or in a team. If the threshold is not high, you should charge by yourself first. If it is time-consuming and labor-intensive and requires technical knowledge, you can outsource it. Of course, you must distinguish and choose the partner. 5. Before the project ends, you must dynamically calculate the odds, pay attention to the number of project participants, the amount of project participation, the project party's operating ideas, the project party's AMA, etc. If possible, be ready to fold or recover funds at any time


Calculate the odds

Before the project ends, you must dynamically calculate the odds, pay attention to the number of project participants, the amount of project participation, the project party's operating ideas, the project party's AMA, etc. If possible, be ready to fold or recover funds at any time


Project review



Review the whole process, what did you do right, what predictions were correct, which links and which people played an important role? Send out red envelopes and arrange a one-stop service. Gratitude is an important factor in the accumulation of connections and good luck.After that, you can give yourself a vacation, go out for a few days, have a spa, make a large transfer to your family, and then plan funds for the next opportunity.



Failure is the mother of success. The hit rate of investors is only 3-5%. Don't expect too much. Don't blame others for losing money, don't be pessimistic and negative. No one can make money every time. Failure is the norm. The core is that as long as you are in the circle, there must be opportunities. If you encounter an opportunity that can make up for 10 losses with one profit, you should rush without hesitation.

Of course, review is also important. Why did others get it? Where was the point of your failure? Did you consider it at the time? Did you integrate knowledge and action? You may also face blame, pressure, etc. If you fail, you must stand up and accept it calmly.

Make up for the shortcomings next time, learn and improve, optimize the details if they are not good, improve if you don't know enough, etc. How to make up for the lost funds and continue to rush the next project

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