📈 Forecast for #Kaspa (#KAS ) based on current chart

🔍 Analysis of the current state:

The chart shows that the price of $KAS has recently broken through several resistance levels and is now at $0.17821, showing a significant upward movement. This is confirmed by an increase in trading volume and overcoming key levels.

📊 Key levels:

Support Levels:

$0.15516 (23.6% Fibonacci level) $0.14618 (previous resistance level, which became support) $0.13098 (50% Fibonacci level and previous consolidation level)

Resistance levels:

$0.19009 (38.2% Fibonacci level of the current movement) $0.21094 (potential target growth level)

📈 Technical indicators:

RSI indicator: The RSI is in the overbought zone, which may indicate the possibility of a short-term correction. Volumes: An increase in trading volumes confirms the upward movement and interest from traders.

🔮 Forecast:

Short term: Given the current RSI level, a short-term decline to support levels of $0.15516 or $0.14618 is possible before further growth.

Medium term: If the price stays above the $0 support level.14618, the upward trend is likely to continue with target levels of $0.19009 and $0.21094.

Long-term outlook: If the upward trend continues and is supported by fundamental factors, Kaspa has the potential for further growth, which could lead to new all-time highs.

📌 Recommendations:

For traders: Consider taking profits at current levels and looking for entry points after correction to support levels. For investors: Long-term holding of positions with the possibility of adding at support levels.

💡 Conclusion:

Kaspa (KAS) is showing strong signs of growth with the possibility of a short-term correction. The long-term outlook remains positive, subject to sustained growth and market support.