Oh wow💥

Oh wow💥

Shocking scam! 💥💥💥

Hackers use AI to fake videos to steal $2 million from OKX user accounts

Hackers use Telegram and AI technology to conduct sophisticated fraud

An OKX user recently encountered a shocking scam. Through Telegram and AI fake videos, hackers successfully stole $2 million worth of cryptocurrency from his account.

User "The future is long" accused OKX of having serious loopholes in the security system, which made it easy for hackers to succeed.

Telegram group leaked personal information, fake videos broke through the account defense line

According to the victim's description, the hacker first bought his personal information in the Telegram group and then gained access to his email. Then, the hacker created a fake video through AI technology to change the victim's phone number and Google Authenticator settings.

In just 24 hours, the hacker completely controlled the victim's account and robbed all his funds.

Crypto exchanges face severe challenges, and user security has once again attracted attention

This incident reveals the new type of online fraud risks faced by cryptocurrency exchanges. The victims called on OKX and other exchanges to strengthen security measures to prevent such incidents from happening again. OKX Exchange responded that they were deeply concerned about the "theft of platform customer accounts" and were assisting the victims in handling the case.

History repeats itself: fake video fraud methods emerge in endlessly

This incident is not the first time that fake videos have been used for fraud. In February 2024, British engineering company Arup also lost $25 million in a video conference scam. As early as 2022, hackers made fake videos, impersonating FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Freed, to lure investors into airdrop transactions.

With the continuous advancement of technology, cybercrime methods have become more sophisticated. Investors should be vigilant and strengthen account security protection to avoid becoming victims of the next cyber fraud.