This week, a wrong operation cost me 3.7 BTC.

I will find a quiet place to write down the incident. Now, while my mind is clear, I will record a few important lessons from this incident:

1️⃣When people are confused and not sober, they must not move large funds, let alone make decisions easily! Most troubles are caused by decisions made in a panic!

2️⃣Don't be anxious, don't be anxious at any time. When you encounter trouble, the anxious mentality will short-circuit your brain. At this time, it is best to go out for a walk or meditate to sort out your thoughts. Sometimes the trouble will be solved. It is counterproductive to be anxious to solve it. Dealing with various pressures does not depend on how strong you are, but on how relaxed you can be.

3️⃣The wise seek differences, the fools seek similarities, I am a half-baked one!

4️⃣When it comes to investment, you can think simply, but you must do it seriously! Especially when it comes to money, it is not a trivial matter. You must study it word by word. Even if you are a lazy person, you can't be lazy in this matter, otherwise it is easy to return to poverty!

5️⃣ I can be stupid or greedy, but I can't be greedy when I'm stupid, and I can't be stupid when I'm greedy.

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