uxlink Season 1 snapshot is over, S1 airdrop whitelist is confirmed, S2 can generate NFT, and then a phishing account appeared, saying that minting S2 within 24 hours will get 2.5x uxlink reward, don't believe it.

Today someone told me to go to uxlink to generate S2 for Season 2, saying that if I generate it within 24 hours, I can get 2.5 times the uxlink airdrop, and it was said that someone in Binance Square sent it. I went to the official group to look for a long time but didn't see any notification. S2's nft can indeed be generated, but there is no 2.5x uxlink airdrop, but there is a whitelist for Season 1:


"We Trust UXLINK" $UXLINK Airdrop ​​NFT Season 1 snapshot at 23:59 UTC on June 3

The NFT token ID range is as follows.

UXUY and whitelist minting:

MOON: 0-101

TRUST 0-6591

FRENS: 0-418291

LINK: 0-2150538

Community sale:

MOON on ETH: 0-99

MOON on Base: 0-159

MOON on Arbitrum: 0-349

TRUST on ETH: 0-2999

TRUST on Base: 0-999

TRUST on Arbitrum: 0-5999

FRENS on ETH: 0-4999

FRENS on Base: 0-14999

FRENS on Arbitrum: 0-14999

“On UXLINK we DEX” $UXLINK Airdrop ​​NFT Season 2 is online: https://dapp.uxlink.io/uxnft

Go mint your S2 NFT now, each wallet address can mint 1 MOON, 1 TRUST, 2 FRENS and 2 LINK NFT.


Regarding the 2.5x statement, I searched everywhere and finally found the source. It is a phishing account that has attracted more than 40,000 followers. I would like to warn those who write square articles to be more cautious. Okay, attached is a screenshot of the phishing account. The English of the official is obviously wrong. This is fooled:

(Attached is the latest result of the uxlink administrator's handling, so that no one can argue with me🐕)
