🔔Blockchain industry news! 🔔

According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, in the past 19 hours, My Neighbor Alice's wallet has accumulated 3.09 million ALICE worth $7.91 million to Binance. 📉

However, the price of ALICE has fallen by 15.7% since its first transfer to the exchange. Does this indicate that the market's confidence in ALICE is shaken? 😮

The funds were transferred to the exchange after being transferred from the address 0x796...E37Fc, and currently still hold 3.99 million ALICE worth $9.23 million. 🔍

Although market dynamics are volatile, our optimism about Bitcoin remains consistent. 💪

Let's pay attention to global blockchain regulatory dynamics, industry trends, and cryptocurrency news to better understand this industry full of challenges and opportunities! 🌐🚀