Recently, BTC's market has been analyzed a lot by everyone, and the trend is the same as San Ye's script🤓I believe that those who followed Wu Ge to buy more below 672 will make money‼ ️

This article will talk about ETH. Why has the big cake rebounded so much in the past two days, but the second cake is so bad👎First of all, ETH's callback after 3977 has been oscillating at a high level. I have said before that the small level must obey the large level.

Although the 4-hour level keeps going up and down, we can see that the KDJ and MACD technical indicators at the daily level have not formed a golden cross. Although it has not fallen, it will take time to digest and clean up the chips above‼ ️

However, the time for ETH to change is coming soon. After two more days of washing, the technical indicators will form a golden cross. The first support below can be placed at 3715 to form a long position. Since BTC is relatively strong, this position may not be reached. Those who already hold long positions can wait for the pull-up after the consolidation ends.

Operation suggestions

Pinch near 68500-69000, target 70500

Yitai near 3730-3750, target 3810#BTC #ETH