Who will stand out in the battle of the strongest dark horse currency in the 2024 currency circle?

Pioneers of modular narrative: TIA, ALT, MANTA, narrative innovation, leading a new chapter of future stories.

New public chain hegemony: SUI, APT, SEI, TON, a new world on the chain, who will lead the trend?

New second-layer brilliance: STRK, OP, ARB-the light of the second layer, accelerating the prosperity of the ecosystem.

Dark horses in the pledge track: LDO, SSV, ETHFI, locking in value, win-win future.

DePin track king: FIL, MOBILE-a decentralized network, reshaping the digital economy.

RWA track storm: MKR, POLYX, RIO, ONDO-asset tokenization, leading a new financial trend.

Sol ecological navigator: RAY, PYTH, JUP, JTO-Solana ecology, explore infinite possibilities.

Meme track carnival: PEPE, WIF, BOME, PEOPLE, FLOKI - trendy culture, igniting the Internet craze.

AI sector leaders: AGIX, ARKM, WLD, NFP - intelligent future, AI leads the trend.

Game track new stars: Pixel, Portal, XAI, ACE, Gala - who is the next legend in the game industry?

Who will become the dark horse, let us wait and see! We have done real-time market analysis and new operation strategy layout on the planet. Click my avatar to follow me and you can find me.