What does a complete trading system need?

The trading system is actually not that complicated. Let's think about it. What are the steps for us to make a transaction?

First, we need to know which direction to trade, long or short? Then at which position to buy? At which position to sell? How much to buy? How much to sell?

So the trading system is nothing more than solving the above problems, judging the long and short directions, entry positions, stop loss and take profit standards, and position management.

Then we continue to refine the problems based on these four elements, such as whether the next market will rise or fall? What if the judgment is wrong? What if our entry position is wrong? How to set stop loss? Where to set take profit if we buy correctly? Should our position be set at 10% or 5% per transaction? And so on.

According to all these problems that will be encountered, we can set the absolute standard of the trading system, so that when we are doing transactions, no matter what kind of problems we encounter, we can find absolutely clear answers, and the trading system will be perfect.