What is #SOPR ?

The SOPR (Spent Output Profit Ratio) a very simple indicator, which reflects the degree of realized profit and loss for all coins moved on-chain. It’s calculated from spent outputs, the realized value (USD) divided by the value at creation (USD) of the output. Or simply: price sold / price paid.

SOPR values greater than 1 implies that the coins moved that day are, on average, #selling at a profit (price sold is greater than the price paid).

SOPR value less than 1 implies that the coins moved that day are, on average, selling at a loss (price sold is less than the price paid).

SOPR value of exactly 1 implies that the coins moved that day are, on #average , selling coins at break even.

Successive peaks of high SOPR (creating an indicator #Uptrend ) suggest continual distribution, usually during a bullish price rallies. As more coins are spent back into liquid circulation, the probability of a local or macro market top increases.
