Exciting, it's so exciting on Monday, I wonder what will happen next? The overall trend of the big cake intraday market is still a little bit more dotted. The market has given a retracement since midnight, reaching the intraday low of around 67,300, and fluctuated at this position until the morning; the dotted head has also accumulated momentum, and the upward rhythm has dominated the entire white plate. The intraday high point has also reached our direct target point of 70,000, and the highest is 70,372. The palm stacks are also fast, and in a short period of time, it has given a retracement of about 1,800 points to around 68,500; compared with the weekend, this market is not big? Let alone anything else, referring to my low dot silk road, if Buju is given, you can get it anyway, right? Auntie's palm and stack are basically the same as the big cake's trajectory. During the day, I gave the big cake and the auntie Duodan Buju two Dan each, which is undoubtedly all taken. The specific power space is given to 1090➕1188➕53➕29 points. Since the morning, someone has been telling me that the market is like a waterfall. After the market has risen by 3,000 points, you finally guessed it right in the evening. Can you have a good ending if you rely purely on feelings and guesses to arrange the orange? People with discerning eyes should have their own sense of measure.

From the current market, the daily string has closed positive for two consecutive days. The continuous positive pattern of the four-hour chart fully reflects the strength of the Duotou. Although there are small episodes and a quick retracement in the middle, this kind of market that goes quickly and comes back quickly does not mean anything. The strength of the Duotou is real. The hourly level middle track is the rebound channel of the critical point. The small cycle structure shows that the retracement correction is almost done. The Houxu will continue to rise, and the midnight will still be connected at a low level.

Big pancake: 69400-68900, see 70800

Auntie: 3785-3760, see 3840#5月非农数据即将公布 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB