Hello everyone

Important alert! $DOGE is about to usher in the next 200% surge! Dogecoin (DOGE) market sentiment has fallen back to February lows. Does this indicate that DOGE will usher in a 200% surge? Optimism among Dogecoin investors has fallen to its lowest point in weeks, but this may be a precursor to a strong rebound.

Dogecoin and the unusual rebound effect

According to Martinez's analysis, combined with data from cryptocurrency analytics provider Santiment, Dogecoin's market sentiment is as depressed as it was in early February this year.

Measured by the weighted sentiment value, Dogecoin's current sentiment value is negative 0.828. This value is in stark contrast to the record of more than 2.1 in late March.

This low sentiment is consistent with Dogecoin's price action. Currently, market data shows that DOGE is trading at $0.1578, down 4.08% in the past 24 hours.

This decline not only exacerbates the 4.16% decline in the past 7 days last week, but also deviates from the 19% increase in the past month. However, as Martinez points out, Dogecoin may follow the historical trajectory and correct its growth path despite the market downturn.

He observed that in early February of this year, when the market sentiment for DOGE was as low as it is today, the coin subsequently surged by more than 200% in the following weeks.

If this history can be repeated, Dogecoin is expected to break through its intra-month high and reach $0.2 or higher. This prediction is particularly encouraging because June is usually a relatively low month for Dogecoin in history. According to Cryptorank's data insights, Dogecoin has almost always shown a downward trend at the end of June since 2017.

In the past decade, the coin has only achieved positive growth in June twice - 29.3% in 2015 and 31.6% in 2016. However, all this may be about to change. Let's wait and see if Dogecoin can create miracles again!

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