Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum trends in the early morning:

The US stock market opened tonight and had some technical problems, causing the market to fall suddenly.

The big cake that pushed the speech during the day is rushing the daily line, standing firm at the 68400 daily line and entering the long side, and directly breaking through the third pressure level at night.

Pay attention to the support levels of 68850-68400-67755 below in the early morning. As long as it does not fall below the 68400 daily line, it is still in the long side, and the callback is mainly long.

Pay attention to the position of 70100 above. If it stands firmly above this position, it will continue to rise. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level of 70720-71500-72145. #BTC走势分析

Ether said during the day that it stood above 3800 and entered the long side on the 4-hour and daily lines. It rose to the second target/pressure level at night and began to fall, and the lowest pin was near the first support level given during the day.

Keep an eye on the bottom of the pin just now at 3760 in the early morning. If it falls below, it will continue to fall. Pay attention to the support around 3725-3680-3625.

If it rebounds above 3800 in the early morning, this wave of panic decline will end, and the 4-hour daily line will be on the bullish side again. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level around 3850-3905-3940#ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥