Market analysis and price forecast for the NOT/USDT cryptocurrency

1. For short-term analysis:

Thanks to strong purchasing activity, the currency's price is expected to continue rising in the short term. The price is likely to reach levels exceeding $0.025 if current conditions continue




It is advisable to closely monitor market movements and currency-related developments. If there are signs of continued growth and adoption, long-term investment can be made to generate returns

2. For long-term investors

The current situation is a good opportunity for short-term speculation due to the rapid rise in price and large trading volume. Price fluctuations can be taken advantage of to make secret profits

1. For speculators

Proposed investment strategy

In the long term, sustainable growth depends on several factors including widespread adoption of the coin and fundamental project developments. If these factors are achieved, we could see greater price increases

3. Long-term analysis

If trading volume continues to grow and support levels remain strong, the price could reach $0.030 or more in the coming weeks. This requires continued positive momentum and increased investor interest

2. Medium-term analysis