Monday, Bitcoin, Ethereum, evening thoughts

Tonight's rhythm has a bit of a strong flavor. It stabilized at 67,500 overnight, rose in the morning, continued in the afternoon, and broke through the steps in the evening. There is a signal of step-by-step upward.

In conjunction with the indicators on the daily technical structure turning upward, MACD directly crosses and runs, and the moving average support is obvious. Boll stands firmly on the middle track, and the next step is to look at the pressure signal of the 70,800 area in front. The operation is mainly long.

Ethereum also gradually rose along with it. Although the force is not great, it is also slowly testing the signal of 3900. As long as it stands firmly at 3860, there will be a play later. The volume is synchronized, and the thinking is mainly to follow the trend.

Thoughts on Monday night

BTC, 69,000 area, see 70,800 if it does not break short once.

ETH, 3810 area, see 3920 area if it does not break once

That's all, the guidance is mainly the stone plate, come on board! $BTC $ETH $BNB #5月非农数据即将公布 #MegadropLista #链游板块普涨 #链游板块普涨 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓