📢📢Blockchain News Flash! Hashkey Exchange CEO Weng Xiaoqi revealed in the latest FT Chinese interview that the cost of applying for an exchange license may be as high as tens of millions of dollars, and exchanges that are already in operation, such as HashKey, have invested funds of this order of magnitude. 📈📈

However, for platforms that are still in the application stage, the investment is not expected to be so much. Weng Xiaoqi also mentioned that the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission may not have enough staff to conduct a comprehensive review of all Native Web3 institutions, but at least a development route has been clarified. 👏👏

This is much better than the previous stage of crossing the river by feeling the stones. He optimistically estimated that once the risk control level is determined, supervision will enter a new stage. In addition, he also said that this round of policy advocacy of "531" has broad educational significance for the entire market and laid the foundation for the long-term development of Hong Kong Web3. 🚀🚀

The above is today's blockchain news flash. Let us look forward to more blockchain industry dynamics together! 💪💪