What are the signs of a bull market in the cryptocurrency circle?

The signs of a bull market are

1. At the beginning of the bull market, the leeks dare not buy, because they are still living in the fear of the bear market. When a large number of leeks pour in, it is often the end of the bull market

2. At the beginning of the bull market, the funds of the dealers have basically been laid out, and institutions will secretly enter the market and declare that they have bought xxx at the peak of the bull market. Everyone come and see, and then secretly ship.

3. 2025 is the year after the Bitcoin halving cycle (Bitcoin halving occurs in mid-2024). According to the usual bull market, it will first fall in the months of halving and then rise rapidly to break new highs

4. Only by pulling the market can a large amount of funds enter. Halving is a good excuse for dealers.

5. Compared with 2022 and 2023, the economy will develop much faster in 2025.

6. Bitcoin will break 200,000 US dollars in 2025.

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