The current market is typical of Bitcoin and Ethereum stabilizing, while altcoins, especially some coins with erratic value and easy to hype, are starting to make trouble.

Previously, meme coins were crazy, and now it is the turn of Binance new coins, and these coins are skyrocketing.

In fact, many friends in the thirteenth circle have got a lot of chips for free, and most of them did not choose to sell. It is actually quite cost-effective to bet on a 100-fold dream with a few hundred U, after all, our cost is almost zero.

Today in the thirteenth circle, I shared a lot of projects that I am optimistic about in the future. These projects have a common feature that the technical side has an upward trend, and the value fundamentals are very good, which is worth our short-term bet.

Of course, the thirteenth circle cannot guarantee that it will rise 100%, and funds will flow to these projects, but the probability is relatively higher.

If you follow the friends, please remember to control your positions and strictly implement the stop-profit and stop-loss strategies. Don’t be silly and think that the orders given by the thirteenth will definitely make money.

The orders I gave before also suffered losses. I am not a god, and no one can predict the future. If a black swan comes tonight, no matter what the technical pattern is, it will fall.