Odaily Planet Daily News: HashKey Exchange CEO Weng Xiaoqi said that after the regulatory authorities have dealt with the "deemed licensing" on June 1, they will start to approve more currencies. Licensed exchanges can list more currencies in the next few months at the earliest, breaking the embarrassing situation that retail investors can only invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum. HashKey applied to list more currencies last year and has received positive feedback. It has now entered the due-diligence process and believes that it is possible to increase the number of currencies that retail investors can invest in in the next few months. In addition, Weng Xiaoqi said that he would promote the landing of low-risk derivative products of Bitcoin and Ethereum, such as low leverage, contracts, etc., for non-speculative and reasonable trading needs such as hedging and spot arbitrage. It is believed that it may be launched faster than expected. In the future, Hong Kong may launch an Ethereum spot ETF that supports staking in the virtual asset spot ETF. (Hong Kong Economic Journal)