Sun Yuchen Sun Ge’s Weibo is open again, @Sun Ge Justin.

It feels like China is gradually relaxing the news blockade on the blockchain world.

You can watch beautiful videos of cryptocurrencies on Bilibili, and many people are also sharing their experiences in the cryptocurrency circle, and many people are recommending various meme coins. It feels like this time it has been completely released.

These big guys can make their voices and opinions heard by more Chinese people, which will definitely attract more new leeks to enter the market. This round of bull market is incredible.

In the West, there are big presidents like Trump and Biden cheering for blockchain, and in the East, there are old guns in the cryptocurrency circle like Sun Yuchen who are cheering again. An unprecedented big change is about to take place in the cryptocurrency circle.

Don’t get off the bus, you and I are witnesses. Maybe a new world will bloom from the cryptocurrency circle.

Dear passengers, there are thousands of roads, and safety is the first. Please fasten your seat belts to prevent the rise from being too fierce. If you are thrown away, you will become disabled!