Go discover, infinite possibilities

Web3 AI project Delysium ($AGI) has officially released Lucy Beta, an interactive experience based on the Infinite Canvas. AI Chat, which is connected to multiple data sources, can understand the user's intentions and goals, and search, plan, and evoke workflows (Flow) to achieve the corresponding goals. Users only need to complete a small number of necessary wallet operations such as signing and approval to easily meet various Web3 needs.

Based on the innovative UI/UX of Infinite Canvas, Lucy Beta also designed and adopted a modular architecture (Board) to facilitate access to data sources from third-party applications, platforms, and networks, and present their functions in the Infinite Canvas as independent modules. Users can customize, create, edit, and share various workflows (Flow) through natural interactions such as dragging, connecting, and so on, just like designing with Figma.

Lucy Beta will serve as an AI-driven Web3 operating system, building an efficient communication and collaboration mechanism between AI Agents, bringing a simpler, friendlier, and more efficient Web3 experience to human users, and helping AI Agents access the payment network built by You Know I Love You (YKILY) Network for AI Agents.

Lucy Beta, a new look

Before the release of Lucy Beta, Lucy Alpha has already gained recognition and support from users around the world. From its launch in March 2023 to the initial testing phase at the end of December 2023, Lucy Alpha has gained more than 1.4 million connected independent wallets.

After entering 2024, in the past six months, Delysium ($AGI) has conducted a comprehensive and in-depth study of the market, users, and products, and completely reconstructed the product architecture and technical architecture. This complex, meticulous and time-consuming work ultimately led to the birth of Lucy Beta.

Lucy Beta includes four major highlights, laying a solid foundation for greater versatility and scalability:

1. Infinite Canvas: A more intuitive Web3 interactive experience, unlimited flexibility, multi-process synchronous management and display

2. AI Chat: A more friendly Web3 portal that understands user intent, plans solutions, and organizes Agent collaboration

3. Workflow: A smarter execution process that simplifies complex tasks into a single functional module combination and execution

4. Modular architecture (Board): More scalable data access, presenting functions in a reusable modular form

Together, these features create a unique experience that enables Web3 users to operate with unparalleled ease and efficiency, demonstrating the forward-looking and innovative nature of Lucy Beta.

Infinite Canvas

Even if we look at the entire AI industry, UI/UX based on Infinite Canvas is a very innovative direction to explore. Before we go into the details, let’s share some research from the Delysium ($AGI) team and explain why we finally chose Infinite Canvas as the UI/UX for Lucy Beta.

Before Lucy Beta appeared, there were mainly two types of UI/UX for AI products for end users in the entire Web3 industry.

The first type of product is to embed a series of function plug-ins in an AI conversation similar to ChatGPT, which triggers the corresponding function when the user mentions the relevant prompt or field.

With the development of AI big models and related open source technologies, the research and development of such AI products is not complicated. However, as more and more third-party applications are connected, this product paradigm will face an insurmountable problem: more and more functions cannot be reasonably and clearly displayed in the limited AI chat interface, making it difficult for users to obtain an intuitive interactive experience.

UI/UX prototype of the first AI product

The second type of product adopts a co-pilot mode where AI conversations run in parallel with the user dashboard. This UI/UX design partially decouples AI Chat from functional operations, centralizing the interoperability, calling, and execution of multiple third-party applications on the dashboard page and an application list similar to an app store.

However, this design presents a difficult challenge to overcome: the user’s attention and intuition may be interrupted. The AI ​​conversation appears simultaneously with the user dashboard, which may cause the user to be distracted, unsure whether to focus primarily on the AI ​​chat to get guidance, or to focus primarily on the specific action and receive prompts through the AI ​​chat.

UI/UX prototype of the second AI product

So, is there a solution that can reconcile the interactive collaboration between AI dialogue and functional operations? Can it have an intuitive and flexible interface that allows users to seamlessly operate Web3 applications by interacting with AI?

With this question, the Delysium ($AGI) team conducted countless user interviews, surveys, and tests. Finally, an Infinite Canvas similar to Figma was born.

It's the perfect solution.

Infinite Canvas Product Prototyping

Infinite Canvas can access and call third-party applications and data sources almost without restrictions, and work seamlessly with AI Chat to achieve user goals and needs.

AI only needs to understand user intent and distribute tasks to connected third-party applications and data sources. Their functions will be presented as a single module (Block) in the infinite canvas. Users can flexibly combine these modules to generate various workflows for different goals.

This revolutionary UI/UX design enables users to visualize multiple workflows that can be processed in parallel, rather than completing tasks singly and linearly, enhancing user control and autonomy while also promoting a more engaging and interactive experience.

As more and more third-party applications connect to Lucy Beta's Infinite Canvas, users can create, edit and share their workflows more freely, eventually forming a very active community.

Lucy Beta - Delysium Workspace

AI Chat

After entering the main chat window, users can directly communicate their intentions and goals to Lucy Beta. For example, enter "Help me stake AGI" or "I want to participate in the hottest events on Galxe."

Once AI Chat understands these goals, Lucy Beta's algorithm will plan and search for relevant workflows, listing the steps required to achieve these goals. Except for the necessary wallet operations, each step is designed to be executed automatically, minimizing user manual operations and making the process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Lucy Beta - AI Talk - Evoking the AGI Staking Workflow

Lucy Beta - AI Talk - Evoke Galxe Campaign Workflow

In fact, Lucy Beta integrates multiple data sources by connecting to multiple third-party applications. Information in the form of code is naturally adaptable to AI, which can improve the efficiency and quality of its understanding and processing.

In addition to application platforms like Galxe, Lucy Beta has also integrated multiple well-known data sources such as 0xScope, 0x, 1inch, Coingecko, etc., to ensure that users get the most accurate and latest information through AI dialogue, from real-time market trends to in-depth project or token data analysis.

Lucy Beta - AI Talk - Asking for AGI token


In fact, relying solely on AI-driven conversations as an interactive entry point cannot fully enhance the user's Web3 experience. The ultimate purpose of users accessing relevant data and information is to manage assets by completing a series of on-chain and off-chain operations.

Web3 users must complete specific steps and actions to achieve a series of related goals, especially on-chain tasks. These steps include checking the type and amount of relevant tokens, calculating the required gas fees, and triggering the action path (Click-to-Action) of the target application. These tasks can be standardized into fixed-step workflows and minimized through automation to minimize manual intervention.

Lucy Beta innovatively defines and builds a workflow (Flow) composed of independent functional modules to automate and simplify various Web3 operations. By packaging these necessary steps and tasks into a simplified workflow, Lucy Beta can more efficiently complete various on-chain and off-chain operations from basic interactions (such as transfers and staking) to complex operations.

In the subsequent update plan of Lucy Beta, users and project parties will be able to customize and create personalized workflows (Flow) and easily share them with others, thereby more efficiently spreading and promoting the usage skills and methods of Web3.

For example, Lucy Beta integrated Delysium ($AGI)-related workflows into Delysium Workspace, where users can complete corresponding operations directly in the canvas:

Flow: AGI-USDT LP Staking

Flow: AGI token stamping

Flow: AGI cross-chain bridge

Flow: Buy AGI tokens from DEX

Flow: Buy AGI tokens from CEX

Flow: Join Delysium's quest on Galxe

Modular Architecture (Board)

To support the above functions and seamless interactive experience, Delysium ($AGI) designed a modular architecture and named it Board.

This architecture allows users to flexibly combine and edit any modules, independently use and embed them in customized workflows, and achieve a variety of on-chain or off-chain goals.

At the same time, the modular architecture (Board) offers significant advantages for product growth. As more third-party applications and networks are integrated with Lucy Beta, the marginal access cost will be significantly reduced, and the overall user experience will be exponentially improved, gradually forming a network effect.

The future is here

As the first agent of You Know I Love You (YKILY) Network, Lucy will continue to access more applications and networks, especially various agents, and establish efficient communication and collaboration mechanisms among them, encouraging users to create and share more workflows (Flow), and ultimately access the financial infrastructure built by You Know I Love You (YKILY) Network for AI Agents. We believe that in the future, everyone will have several or even dozens of AI Agents, and the number of these AI Agents will far exceed the total number of humans. People only need to entrust their intentions to AI Agents, and a large number of tasks can be completed by them.

In order to complete the tasks entrusted by humans, a large number of transactions will occur between AI agents, the scale and frequency of which will far exceed today's transaction payment network based on human-to-human transactions, reaching dozens or even hundreds of times.

With the rapid development of AI technology, we have reason to believe that the scale of transactions and payments between AI agents will be hundreds of times larger than the current scale of human financial networks.

You Know I Love You (YKILY) Network is a Mastercard/Visa payment network built for AI Agents. We believe that digitally native AI Agents must have a digitally native payment infrastructure based on blockchain.

For Delysium ($AGI), the pursuit of innovation is an innate sense of mission. Of course, excellent design is also indispensable. Every generation has the responsibility to redefine and build the future, and you, who are reading this article, are a key part of this exciting adventure.

Please stay tuned for future updates from Delysium.

Whitepaper V2: https://delysium.gitbook.io

Lucy Beta official website: www.lucyos.ai

Delysium official website: www.delysium.com

Delysium Community: https://link3.to/delysium