The market has been calm recently, with few hot spots and overall stable conditions.

However, some cryptocurrencies that are regarded as “junk coins” have suddenly emerged and skyrocketed, like a few gorgeous waves rising on a calm lake.

Although these waves are dazzling, experienced investors understand that they are often like castles in the air, flashy and unrealistic, and are very likely baits used by market manipulators to attract retail investors to follow suit and then reap the benefits.

Despite this, new investors are still extremely enthusiastic about these junk coins.

They see the prices of these currencies constantly hitting new highs, with increases of more than 50% at one time, and they fantasize about making huge profits quickly after buying at low prices.

But the huge temptation of wealth often makes people lose their minds and blindly chase after these skyrocketing currencies, which often ends in dismal results.

Recently, many people have privately asked me whether certain skyrocketing cryptocurrencies are worth investing in.

I carefully examined these currencies and found that they are all popular currencies that are currently surging.

Some of these currencies, I did recommend buying at low levels before, but today, they are no longer suitable for entry.

In the field of cryptocurrency, blindly chasing high prices is a taboo, because doing so will inevitably incur huge risks.

There are obviously more stable and promising investment projects in the market that are being ignored. These projects will surely shine in the future market.

Therefore, I suggest that you invest in these undervalued high-quality projects in advance while funds are still speculating on junk coins.

Don't be put off by their high prices now; they may be worth more in the future.

On the other hand, Binance recently launched a new megadrop event, and I strongly recommend everyone to actively participate.

Many people may look down on these small gains and only want to make profits through traditional investment methods. This is actually a misunderstanding.

To put it bluntly, people are just too lazy to think about new investment opportunities.

The projects launched by Binance's launchpad and megadrop are all carefully selected high-quality projects, and at least they will not disappoint you.

Taking 20,000U of funds as an example, each project can earn roughly 200~300U of income. Dozens of projects can be launched in a year. Such income is actually very considerable.

Holding bnb is equivalent to owning a golden shovel that can continuously dig up benefits. Such an investment opportunity can almost be said to be a sure win.

Just imagine, if you can launch 3 projects in a month, that would be nearly 1,000U of income. But how much can those salaried workers who work from 9 to 5 earn in a month?

You might as well think about this issue carefully.

Don’t forget that every penny you have in the cryptocurrency world is real money that can be converted into real purchasing power.

Many people may think that the wealth in the cryptocurrency world is just a string of numbers, and they dispose of and invest them at will when trading, but what these numbers represent is real wealth!

Please cherish every investment opportunity.

I hope that at the end of this bull market, you can use the legal income you earn here to enjoy life in the bear market, while leaving some funds to prepare for the next bull market.

In addition, as meme coins continue to be popular, the next area that is expected to explode may be AI-related projects.

I have reminded everyone before to start planning in this field. Now, no matter whether you have made a profit or a loss, don’t rush to sell. Be patient and wait for the opportunity to come!

This investment method of chasing hot spots is actually to predict the rotation of market sectors in advance and make arrangements in advance.

Although I used to be very disgusted with the hype of meme coins, I have to admit that they are indeed rising and attracting market attention and capital inflows.

Therefore, we have also asked everyone to plan some meme coin-related projects in advance.

Now is the time to adjust your investment strategy.

Many friends asked me what benefits can I get from joining the "Daoist Circle"? One of the important benefits is that I can more accurately grasp the rotation rhythm of the market sector.

Ambush in advance in the sectors that are about to explode and wait for the opportunity to come.

Of course, my judgment may not be completely accurate, and I may misjudge which sector will be the next to explode. But there is no need to worry too much because the projects we have selected are all leading companies in their respective sectors, and the risk of a sharp decline even if they do not explode is relatively small.

Once we bet on the right sector, the returns will be very considerable! This investment method is one of my favorite strategies.

Of course, our main investment direction is still focused on long-term spot holdings such as mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum; and the remaining short-term funds are used for short-term operations and chasing market hot opportunities.

For specific investment techniques and strategies, everyone is welcome to join the “Taoist Priest Circle” for detailed understanding, learning and communication!

Finally, what I want to emphasize is: everyone must learn the principle of getting rich slowly, and don’t excessively pursue the dream of getting rich quickly in the short term, because wealth comes and goes quickly. The mentality of making 10 million in ten years and making 10 million in one day is completely different. The former represents that you already have the ability and mental stability to match this wealth, while the latter can easily make people lose their balance and behave irrationally due to sudden huge wealth. Therefore, we should cherish every investment opportunity and learn to control our desires and not be enslaved by money!

It’s a bull market right now, and things are surging. We have the opportunity to share passwords every day.

I still say that, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and follow me, I will share the bull market spot planning and contract password for free.

I need fans, you need references. It's better to pay attention than to guess.
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