This is a true story☕☕

Yang Yun was originally a third-rate online writer who barely survived on the online writing platform. He finally wrote a novel with great popularity. He thought he had turned over a new leaf, but he was cheated by a female fan. After the breakup, his mentality exploded and he stopped updating.

But the pirated website couldn't sit still. It turned out that seeing the popularity of the book, the pirated website started to work as a porter, but who knew that the guy stopped updating when he said he would,

which caused the readers to point at their noses and scold them.

So the pirated website made up its mind and simply paid a ghostwriter to continue writing, and it became more popular than the genuine website.

When the real owner Yang Yun saw it, he thought, huh, my book will be updated automatically? So he moved the content of the pirated website to the platform where he wrote the book, and sold the copyright for more than one million.

When the pirated website saw it, this guy was too shameless! So he sued Yang Yun and asked for half of the money!

When Yang Yun heard it, wow! I am shameless enough, this website is even more shameless! He went to the pirated website, and during a fight with the other party, Yang Yun accidentally discovered that the gunman was actually a beautiful lady with fair skin, and the two quickly fell in love.

While the two were dating, they discussed the plot, and did not forget to sue the pirated website!

The pirated website failed to steal the chicken and lost the rice. Not only did it lose the gunman lady, but it also had to compensate Yang Yun for the copyright fee.

As for this "copyright fee", who exactly is it, I am a little confused, but Yang Yun, this buddy, should be the first person who stole and sold pirated works!

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