🤬 Launch #GHArena 🤬

🔔Yesterday (05/31) a new toy (https://t.me/GHArenaBot?start=626855522) of an already EXISTING COIN was released!

😍The coin itself is called $GH and its price on the market was $0.02. After the release of the game, the price soared by 0.03$ and this is not a bad increase in the crypto market!

Rules of the game:

1️⃣You have 7 attempts per day.

2️⃣You fight online with another player just like you and for winning you receive coins that at the end of the season can be exchanged for $GH ($0.03) or #TONUSDT ($6.4)!

❔The process itself is easy and understandable. You and your opponent have 3 body parts and each round you both choose where to strike and which part to protect.

✅If you guessed where it will hit and put a block - your health will not be taken away, if not, it will be taken away. And so on until someone’s health runs out.

❗️Pre-season participants will receive bonus gold upon completion of the first phase and will save their progress with the start of the main farming season.

🎮To start playing:

➡️ https://t.me/GHArenaBot?start=1786477520

🔥Throw some lights, hugs everyone🤗