The long-lost demon coin TRB has attracted my attention again today.

Under observation, the familiar atmosphere is still permeated - the dealer's trading method is the same as before, accurately controlling the ups and downs of the chips. In the four-hour trading just now, I keenly captured the top signal of the big Yang column, and made a wave of short orders lightly, easily making a profit of more than a thousand. For this kind of currency trading, you need to grasp the staged top shorting opportunities, but don't think this is the end.

The dealer is always keeping a close eye on every leveraged chip in the market. Once the air force is strengthened, they will act quickly to raise the price of the currency. Now it seems that the pull-up is coming to an end, and they are making huge profits through this wave of operations. The next move - whether to continue to pull up or smash the market will depend entirely on the comparison of the long and short forces in the market.

Don't underestimate the strength of the dealer. Even if the market value is billions, they still have the ability to manipulate the market through leverage operations. Just as the trb dealer used 40 million funds to leverage billions of market value, this is the charm of leverage. At this moment, the dealer has cashed out part of the profit, holding a large amount of funds and chips in hand, and their next move will affect the market's nerves.

The recent market downturn, the emergence of this demon coin has undoubtedly injected a bit of vitality into the market. Funds from many parties have poured in, hoping to get a share of this game. However, the nature of demon coins is ultimately difficult to sustain, and no one may care after the heat. Therefore, when trading this kind of currency, we must not blindly pursue the so-called indicators to guess the top and bottom. In this year's market, spot is king, and contract trading needs to be done with caution, and don't fall into the vortex because of a momentary impulse.

Finally, there is a heavyweight wealth code! Expected returns of 50%-2 times or more! Limited places, starting at $1,000 per person! Breakeven! Look at my pinned post if you need to seize the opportunity!

#TRB妖币 #BTC走势分析 #meme板块关注热点 #山寨季何时到来? $TRB $EOS $SOL