2024.6.3 Daytime market analysis

In June, focus on the speech content. CPI can directly affect interest rates. The overall environment is bullish.

On the same day: the market trend is slowly strengthening, oscillating bullish, bullish, the market correction is over...

Skills: How to predict a big positive line: ①3850, 69100 will stabilize and produce a positive line, ② The probability of a sudden positive line is relatively small, ③ Unless it goes down, go long boldly

Pressure level: 69300, 70800, 3850, 3930

Support level: 3720, 3 680, 67200, 68500

Ether that day: the current price in the live broadcast room is more than 3805, and the supplement is more than 3760 and 3780, which is also a long position, stop loss 3750, stop profit 3870, 3910 (try not to short, mainly long)

Big cake that day: 4-hour triangle contraction, small-level golden cross chasing order supplement, also a long position 68100, 68000, stop loss 67700, stop profit 69600, 70200, 70800

Intraday short-term reference, pay attention to position management, for reference only