Judging from the weekly closing of Ethereum, the trend last week was still very strong. After all, after the big rise, there was not much retracement, and the bulls still have the momentum to rush up again! From the technical analysis alone, this week's trend is also worth looking forward to!

For me personally, this week's goal is to achieve the remaining investment goals in the first half of this year. As long as Ethereum starts the second wave of rise, the heavily invested Ethereum series will definitely rise again. However, from the retracement after this round of rise, although Ethereum did not retrace much, OP, STRK, and ARB are still relatively weak, so playing with these bands is still a very good target. The most important thing is that there will be a coincidence, that is, STRK and ARB will usher in another wave of unlocking in the middle of this month. Therefore, in terms of the grasp of the general direction this week, if it is a band trading, as long as you achieve your own profit target, you can take profits from the band!

The benefit of making a trading plan in advance is that when the market really develops as we expected, we must remember to achieve unity of knowledge and action, and not let greed and fear affect our own speculation. When it is time to buy the bottom, be bold to buy the bottom, and when it is time to stop profit, remember to stop profit decisively! Don't remember that you didn't buy enough when it is rising, and chase the rise and increase your position, raising your holding cost. When it falls, you have already filled your position halfway up the mountain and have no bullets. Plan your own transactions and trade your own plans! In that way, you will definitely make a profit more easily!

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